Friday, February 25, 2011

The last two weeks in no particular order...

We had fun waiting for the train to come through town...

Nathan got an awesome new table and had a fun play date with Emily. He took her to the farm and then they played ball.

Jeremiah and I had a date night at Keeneland on the 18th. We got Fazoli's and sat at the empty track to watch the sunset. It was beautiful.

We spent the weekend before Valentine's Day at my parent's house. Here we are at the park where I used to play. I think Nathan sees a bird.  

Walking home from the buddy!

We had a fun visit from Nana and Pops last weekend 2/20.

Nathan has pestered Daisy to death...

We've played hide and seek...

and played in the car after story time...

                                           Tomorrow Nathan will be 19 months old!!!


  1. We make such a cute couple :)

  2. 19 months old?! holy cow!!! he's adorable. so glad you posted a link to your blog on fb. i love keeping up with friends' blogs. :)


  3. Okay, of all the pictures I have seen in the last month on facebook.... these are my FAVORITE! PLEASE enlarge the one of Nathan laying on top of the dog! Hilarious.

    The last picture, the one of him playing in the car, is weird. It looks just like you AND just like Jeremiah! How crazy is that!

    These are precious and they make me want to live next door to you!
    Debbi A.
